How 3 Of Our Favorite Brands Are Using Pumpkins This Fall


With October finally here, the bright orange color of pumpkins surrounds us. Pumpkins serve to be quite a versatile fall staple. They can be carved for decorations, hollowed out for lanterns, cooked to be eaten, and most commonly--squeezed to get the flavoring.

Each fall, marketers use pumpkins to capitalize on a product they are trying to promote. This is a great way to get people interested and excited for the season to come. Check out some of our favorite things brands are doing with pumpkin this fall:


TIME Magazine’s Take on the Pumpkin Obsession

In a recent article published in TIME Magazine, we get an inside scoop on the actual history of the American-wide pumpkin craze. Not only does the exploitation of this season affect consumers, but it also has a huge financial impact on companies as this is prime time for them to get their sales up.

TIME Magazine provides some insight to how this season positively affects producer’s sales, “And people are eating it up: Nielsen says sales of pumpkin-flavored items have reached a new high, bringing in $414 million in the U.S. between the end of July 2016 and the end of July 2017 — up from $286 million over that same period of time in 2013.”


Buzzfeed’s Pumpkin Recipes

Buzzfeed used this fall favorite as a platform to advertise some of their favorite recipes that use Pumpkin as a staple ingredient. This is a great way for them to publicize and gain exposure for their food blog category.

In addition to great advertising for Buzzfeed, this article also served as an opportunity for great exposure for all of the companies behind the recipes since there are links to all of the specific recipes.


Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte

Last, but certainly not least, everyone’s favorite, Pumpkin Spice Latte, is finally back! Starbucks took full advantage of the popularity of this drink, and went ahead and created an entire instagram account dedicated to this special drink. This genius marketing ploy has allowed Starbucks to generate an extra $80 million a season.

Starbucks uses this specific drink to capitalize the entire fall season. In addition to the seasonal drink, they also have fall colored cups to accompany them.


Look out this Pumpkin season for these marketing strategies from some of your favorite brands. Happy fall!